Dear family Tsuji,
we are very happy so send our son Leo very soon to Japan – Kobe to learn Japanese and to meet your family.
He is very much interested in foreign countries and their culture, specially to discover Japan. He likes very much the manga comics and their intelligent messages.
He is a very lovely, polite and openminded boy, but also sensitive and a bit dreamy.
I read, that you have 3 year old son. Leo loves little children very much. He has an younger sister, V****. Do you have animals? We have 4 cats. Leos likes animals very much.
He is very excited to do this big journey very soon for three weeks.
We would be very happy to hear from you too in advance. Maby you could send us some pictures from your family and your home.
The pictures from our family you will find attached.
Kind regards
T*** A****
Dear Mary (can we call you Mary?)
I´m Tina, Leos Mom. In fact I am very happy and relieved to hear from you. I was wondering because there was no answer.
Happy Birthday to your husband and many thanks for the lovely pictures. You have a great family. Did you receive our pictures too?
We have two sibirian forest cats and two normal cats.
Leo would be very happy to have lunch or dinner with you and your students.
As he studied 6 months in an English college he is safe in English conversation. But at the beginning he is maybe a bit shy.
What you should know about him: He is a very smart and lovely boy but not very well organized…J So you should take care of him well so that he doesn´t get lost in the streets of Kobe…we will prepare him with all telephone numbers. Without the 0 –right? 0081-******?? Do you use LINE? We downloaded it on Leos mobile phone and ours too
My mobile is ******* my husband T ******
Leo is very interested in visiting foreign countries and likes to see as much as possible and to discover the new country.
Like lots of boys at his age he is very addicted to electronic devices. Therefore you are allowed to take those away from him during the night or later than 10 p.m. (He is informed that he has to handout his mobile and laptop to you at least after 10 pm. Or if you decide earlier…its up to you. He can read a book then.
You can tell him to help you with everything and inform him if anything what he does is not fine for you. He will be very helpful, but maybe not do the things as perfect as you would do. He is a bit clumsy…J
Tell him very exactly what you expect from him and he will hopefully do…J
I hope that you will have a beautiful time together.
If there is anything I can do for you please give me a note
Kind regards